Transporting Pets to New England
Here at The Springfield Humane Society, we transport animals from several locations in the US, mostly the southern states. We have partners that we work with on a regular basis who are considered high intake facilities, that are in desperate need of help with overpopulation! We in the North have made great strides in animal spay and neuter incentives and have seen our numbers of unwanted pets diminish over the years. This is fabulous for us, but the southern states still need our help! We try, every chance we can, to help them, while still stepping up to help our own community when they are in need! By taking cats and dogs from these high intake facilities, we are lifting the burden these shelter workers face daily, so they do not have to make tough decisions for space.

Below is based on a true story, written by our staff member:
At Tail of Two Shelters:
Shelter A is in an area where people do not often spay and neuter their pets. They are open admission; this means they HAVE to take every dog that comes through their door whether they are a stray or owner surrender even if they have no room.
They can house 200 dogs, they have 200 dogs now.
Employees go to work and 10 dogs come in.
They house dogs together, praying they get along, set up dog crates in a spare room just so they can accommodate the 10 new dogs. No one is adopted, claimed or transported out.
Next day same thing, more in and none out, so they set up some of the outside pens with dog houses, again no dogs leave.
Next day same thing except they have used up every inch of space. All shelters around them are full too. They only have one way to make room and no one wants to have to do that.
Shelter B is in an area that almost everyone fixes their dog!
They may get in 2 to 3 dogs a month. They have constant phone calls and people emailing looking for a dog to adopt, but there are so few that most people can not find one.
Shelter A learns about Shelter B and makes arrangements to transport dogs from their overfull shelter to the almost empty one.
Shelter B no longer has to make sad choices and their dogs find a loving home in New England.
The above shelters are real places.
We are Shelter B and the shelters in Georgia are Shelter A. People often ask why we have so many dogs from southern shelters and the above explains why.
These places are begging for our help. All the dogs are amazing loving dogs who had the misfortune of being born in the area they were, BUT we are here to find them loving homes.
Homes where they will have people of their very own and live in a comfy house as some have never even experienced that before. If you are looking at add a dog to your home please fill out an application. Once approved we will set up a time for you to meet these great dogs. Adopting one saves three, the one you adopted, the next one we can transport, and the one that needs that kennel in Georgia.

George's Jar
Pictured right is George (mostly white) and Maverick (mostly black).
George came from Arkansas many years ago and was lucky enough to be adopted by Steven Dumont. George had the BEST life ever and was instrumental in raising money for the shelter through a yearly 5K called Run George Run. George went over the bridge this year, at a ripe old age. Steven and his family came to the shelter whereas fate would have it, we had a group of puppies also from Arkansas!
We believe that George pushed Steven into meeting Maverick because it was love at first sight for both of them (and Steven's family!).
Steven came up with the idea to start George's Jar, an ongoing fundraiser for us that will help other dogs, like George and later Maverick, who are at risk for euthanasia in the overcrowded shelters down south.
If you would like to help us save these dogs, please consider a donation to George's Jar! We take credit cards by phone (802-885-3997), PayPal (, or mail a check! Thank you Steven Dumont for all you do for us on a regular basis, for starting George's Jar, and for being truly one of the best dog dads we have ever seen!