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Pet Food Shelf

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We keep cat and dog food at the shelter to help families during times of hardship. This keeps animals out of the shelter and with their families. Here at SHS, we are here to help! We know that life sometimes throws curve balls and that can make it hard to feed our furry friends!  Nobody should have to surrender because of food costs! Stop in during open hours or call (802)885-3997 to inquire about this service!

Animal Education


Are you a teacher? Do you run a daycare? Are you a Girl or Boy Scout leader? We are more than happy to come visit with your children and teach them about all things animals!

Training/Behavior Advice 


Having some behavioral issues with a dog you just got, either from us or somewhere else? We are here for you and your dog. It is much better for the dog in question to be in a home environment, rather than to be surrendered to a shelter, especially for something we may be able to help with!  We do not have a certified dog trainer on staff, but our knowledgeable staff is willing to help if possible!  If we can't help, we can refer you to someone who can!

The Healing Paws Project

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Let's face it, our furry friends are our world and their care comes at a cost, and sometimes it's not cheap! From unexpected illness to end of life care, keeping a pet happy and healthy can strain even the most loving wallet. Not being able to afford these rising veterinary costs can lead to the heartbreaking scenario of families having to make hard decisions, sometimes feeling forced to surrender their beloved companions, due to financial hardship. The Healing Paws Project was formed to help relieve some of this stress from families, by providing financial assistance. To qualify, applicants must be on some form of government assistance and have been denied for Care Credit. Please reach out to us for an application.

Spay the Mom 

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The Spay the Mom program is designed to help with pet overpopulation issues in our community. Having litters of kittens/puppies frequently can be time consuming and expensive. Not to mention that there are great risks for pregnant/unspayed pets. Basically, this program takes all the stress and financial responsibility off you and on to us! The mother or mother to-be would be temporarily surrendered to us, while the kittens/puppies would be permanently surrendered to us, ensuring they will find great, loving homes. They would then go into a caring foster home, with pre-approved fosters, to get some extra TLC and socialization, until they are ready for adoption. Once mom is done weaning her babies and her milk has dried up, she will be spayed, microchipped and receive any vaccines she needs, before being returned to her owner -ALL for only $20!

Please contact the shelter for more information.

TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release 


Our TNR grant was established to help with feral cat overpopulation in our community. Is there is a feral colony living in your area? Do you live on a farm where people dump feral cats frequently and keep having kittens? Give us a call! We try to plan for TNR trapping around the time of a S/N Clinic, making the costs less, since we are not reimbursed for the medical fees. Any cats that are trapped for this program, MUST have somewhere to go back to (ex: their colony or barn) and someone to care for their needs of food, water and shelter. For more information, please contact us (802)885-3997.





      Hours of Operation


   Wednesday - Saturday



401 Skitchewaug Trail, Springfield, VT 05156 

     Area of Service

Andover, Baltimore,  Cavendish, Chester, Grafton, Londonderry, Ludlow, Proctorsville. Springfield,
Weston and Windsor

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©2021 by Taylor Drinker and Rachel Frank

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